Some of the Essential Vitamins for Women at Every Age


Women who are health conscious always worry about their health and wonders whether they are able to fulfill all the nutritional needs that their body is looking for. Women have to go through a lot of changes in her life stage, from puberty to motherhood to menopause. In childhood, she does require a lot of calcium for an active lifestyle, and when coming to childbearing ages, then she need to intake s lot of folic acid in order to prevent any type of birth defects in the baby. And while going through menopause, the she requires a lot of calcium as well as vitamin D to keep the bones strong and working properly. If there is deficiency of vitamins, then it can lead to some serious health problems for lifetime.


Vitamins are one of the most essential chemicals that are required by the body in order to make the body function properly, if there is any deficiency of vitamins, and then the processes of body may not work properly leasing to health problems. Once they get inside the body, then they convert into chemicals to get inside the cells. Each vitamin has got its own specific function in specific part of the body. There is a myth that a single food has all the vitamins that our body require, which is not true. Each vitamin is found in different foods. But when it comes to vitamin D, human body is not able to get it from any food and it is observed from the sunlight, expect Vitamin D, human body are not capable of making any other vitamins. Because of which food which contains vitamins and its supplements becomes really important to be consumed every day.


Why vitamins are good for women's health:

No doubt, that most of the women are aware of the importance of vitamins and to get it in plenty they require it to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in order to get good amount of vitamins. If you are concern about your health, then they very first thing that you need to know is that the amount of vitamins your body needs. This totally depends upon the age of the person and the level of the activity that the person goes on every single day.

Reports have shown that many women don't consume a proper quantity of fruits and vegetables that are recommended by their health care provider, because of which women at any age are at the risk of vitamin deficiency, which result in health issues. Let us explore more about vitamins and how it helps to boost health.

The importance of antioxidant vitamins for health boost:

Many vitamins in different foods have antioxidant properties, which help to boost the health. There are some of the vitamins that are also known as antioxidant vitamins. Some of the vitamins that are considered to be antioxidant vitamins are vitamin A, C and E. The retinol and the carotenoid in the vitamin A he'll to boost the level of the energy in body to cope up with the active life. Vitamins A, C and E are essential vitamins that play an input role in the system of cell-protection to develop cell in a large quantity. It helps to neutralize the recipient cells and stabilize these molecules, which is known as free radicals that are produced by your body.


 Functions of antioxidants vitamins:

 These free radicals are responsible to disrupt the vital cell structure and tear apart, such as cell membrane. With the help of antioxidants vitamins, they help to tie up these free radicals and reduce their power of destruction in the body. It also helps to slow down the aging process as well as reduce the risk of chronic illness. It is believed by many researchers that these vitamins help to boost the power of the immune system as well as increase their function and relaxes them, if they are under stress.

 Antioxidant vitamins found in food:

Apricots, red pepper, broccoli and some other fruits and vegetables contains beta-carotene which gets converted in to vitamin A, which helps to build up and make the bones strong, it also helps to soften the tissue, skin as well as mucous membranes too. Carrot, pumpkin and cantaloupe contain alpha-carotene that contains antioxidant properties to boost energy in the body. Apricots, tomatoes, guava and watermelon also contains gamma-carotene and lycopene that helps to maintain the energy as well as the up the free radicals too.


Some of the sources in which you can find beta-carotene are spinach, cantaloupe, broccoli, guava, red pepper, pumpkin, papaya, Apricots, peach, tomatoes, carrots and watermelon. Vitamin C is known as ascorbic acid that helps to aid the healing of wounds and also forms red blood cells to boost the level of body. It also increases the brain chemical, which is known as noradrenaline that is a neurotransmitter. Vitamin C help to increase the concentration by boost the power of alertness and sharpness. Reports have shown that if you are under pressure, stress or are at aging pressure, then the level of ascorbic acid decrease so make sure to have a lot of vitamin C into to maintain the level of ascorbic acid for a stress-free life.

Some of the sources of vitamins C are grapefruits juice, oranges, broccoli, grapefruit, pepper, strawberries, potato and tomatoes or buy Vitamin C tablets online. Make sure to include all the above-mentioned sources in your diet for a proper and balanced diet. If you still, think that you are both able to fulfill your body needs of vitamins, then it is recommended that you should consult your health care provider and he may prescribe you vitamin supplements that will help you balance the deficiency of vitamins in your body. But remember to still include all the vitamins sources in your daily diet, to help get all the vitamins in a natural way, rather than getting it in the form of vitamin supplements to get a healthy body for lifetime.